Web-based application for the insured person

AOK Sachsen-Anhalt is a German health insurance company based in Magdeburg with 44 branches in Saxony-Anhalt, where it is the market leader with 750,000 customers.

xitee worked together with the HBSN on the development of a web-based application “GESUNDESKONTO”. With the “GESUNDESKONTO”, the AOK offers its customers a budget for additional services such as professional dental cleaning, osteopathy or travel vaccinations, which can be applied for and tracked easily, conveniently and quickly via an online portal. Customers register in the “GESUNDESKONTO” via the online office, where they can find the range of services and the relevant providers. After using the services, the insured persons upload their invoices online. These are pre-checked by the application and the customer is notified of any errors or missing information. The invoice is then automatically forwarded to the AOK’s inventory system, oscare®, and the insured person is reimbursed for their expenses after a short time.

This application enables AOK Sachsen-Anhalt customers to check their bonus status or upload invoices for reimbursement. It also offers other useful functions, such as finding contact details of all branches to mark them for your personal dashboard. The aim was to create a customer-oriented, user-friendly service that saves customers time and thus creates added value for them.

AOK “GESUNDESKONTO” was launched on 01.02.2020 after an intensive marketing campaign in Saxony-Anhalt. The individual programming and technical implementation was carried out by the xitee team during a short development period. A particular challenge was the integration of “GESUNDESKONTO” into the oscare® system of AOK Sachsen-Anhalt. We are very pleased that the successful cooperation with AOK Sachsen-Anhalt will continue, as our team is now jointly responsible for supporting the “GESUNDESKONTO” and developing further functionalities for the application. Please check that the last sentence is up to date!

Technologies: JAVA 11, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Flyway, MariaDB Galera Cluster, SonarQube, Tomcat, Spring Security, SAML,/OAuth, 2FA , JWT, Ldap, Spring Data Rest, Spring Integration, Angular 8, RxJS, Apache httpd, Docker, CENTOS/RHEL, JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket, Maven, JUnit, Jasmin, Selenium